10 lbs lighter by Summer
I laugh with my customers as they are franticly emailing or calling me in a panic, however, I’m prepared for this as it’s comes every year at this time. I call it the winter 10 pounds. It starts with 5 lbs. in January and another 5 lbs. in February and then it sticks around. A good cleanse of digesting and eliminating is exactly what the body needs.
The pace of life just seems to get more and more hectic. Between work, family and other obligations, we’re all finding ourselves stretched and stressed. Unfortunately, this busy lifestyle often leads us to place our health at the bottom of the priority list. Without realizing it, we find ourselves beholden to a host of poor habits, eating on the run, skipping workouts, grabbing sugary snacks.
Before trying the Beauty Detox by Beauty.Body.Home, the biggest frustration was that so many women were really trying hard but imagine exercising daily, counting calories and excluding food groups only to have your belly fat or love handles grow bigger and bigger. The more they strived to meet their goals, the farther they were from achieving it. It’s the always shocking, incredibly frustrating, unsuccessful dieting phenomenon. And it happens more often than not.
Digestive disorders, allergies, autoimmune disease, arthritis, asthma, eczema, acne, abdominal fat, headaches, depression and sinus disorders are all associated with chronic inflammation, which has recently become recognized as the root cause of obesity and unhealthy aging.
Good Digestion begins with Effective elimination of waste and optimal nutrient absorption
The digestive system is a set of organs responsible for food breakdown, nutrient absorption and elimination of waste. This intricate system is critical for hormonal balance because it controls its own functions via hormonal signals.
Amazingly, over 30 hormone genes are currently known to be expressed in the stomach and the intestines, making your gut the largest endocrine organ in your body! The digestive system is also interesting because it involves both the nervous system and the cells and activities of the endocrine system.
Your nervous system, especially the parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) and sympathetic (fight-or-flight), influences digestion. However, your digestive system has its own nervous system too. It’s huge, with just as many nerves as your spinal cord! So, when you get a gut instinct, go with it.
The foods you choose and the function of your digestive tract both strongly influence your nervous system and your endocrine system. Their effects can in turn alter your hormones, inflammatory response and – you guessed it – affect your ability to lose weight by influencing your ability to burn fat, appetite or cravings.
Insulin is also an essential substance whose main function is the processing of sugar in the bloodstream and carry it into cells to be used as fuel or stored as fat. There are several reasons for excess insulin, but the main culprits are stress, consuming too much nutrient-poor carbohydrates—the type found in processed foods, sugary drinks and sodas, packaged low-fat foods and artificial sweeteners—insufficient protein intake, inadequate fat intake and deficient fibre consumption. Heart palpitations, sweating, poor concentration, weakness, anxiety, fogginess, fatigue, irritability or impaired thinking are common short-term side effects of high insulin. Unfortunately, our body typically responds to these unpleasant feelings by making us think we’re hungry, which in turn causes us to reach for more high-sugar foods and drinks. We then end up in a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalance, a condition called insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, which only furthers weight gain and our risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Reduce Bloating and Aid Nutrient Absorption by Cleansing & Replacing Enzymes
Enzymes are essential for proper functioning of your digestive system because it activates digestive enzymes that break down your food for absorption. Many vitamins and minerals need stomach acid for optimal absorption, including magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and folic acid.
Proper absorption of vitamins and minerals indirectly influences your hormonal balance because these nutrients are necessary for the manufacture of your hormones and for the elimination of hormonal waste with the help of the liver. Normal stomach acid also works to keep your digestive system free of bacteria, yeasts and parasites.
An estimated 30% of North Americans have low stomach acidity. Natural aging, a poor diet and chronic use of certain medications such as corticosteroids, antibiotics and antacids can impair your stomach's ability to produce acid. Certain medical conditions are also commonly associated with low stomach acid, including hypothyroidism, asthma, eczema, allergies, acne rosacea, adrenal dysfunction, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, psoriasis and chronic hives.
The signs and symptoms of low acidity in the stomach include:
- Bloating, belching and gas, especially after meals
- Indigestion
- Constipation
- Heartburn or reflux
- Multiple food allergies
- Feeling nauseous after taking supplements
- Weak, peeling and cracked fingernails
- Redness or dilated blood vessels in the cheeks and nose
- Adult acne
- Hair loss in women
- Iron deficiency
- Undigested food in the stools
- Chronic yeast infections
I want better health for everyone, and this program is so important to your good health.